Friday 13 December 2013

Diary of an Abuja Billionaire - Week 9

Jamal is an Abuja-based billionaire bachelor and businessman who works hard and parties hard. Welcome to his world.


I warned my security not to let Tiwa, Nnenna or any of my former girls into my homes or offices. I have to detox from all these women by fire and by force. Dr. Gould refused to return to Nigeria, so I booked another American therapist Cody Ferral, after making sure he was male. ZeeCG’s Guinean MD informed me of a fire that destroyed part of the factory there, so I dispatched my Nigerian MD to go and access the damage. Zainab came over and we enjoyed Daniel’s Shawarmas and a movie in my private 10-seater cinema. She’s still hesitant with me, but she’s warming up.


My chain of 15 hotels in Northern Nigeria came under attack in the media for its involvement in certain illegal activities, so I dispatched my press officers and lawyers to handle the situation. I hope I don’t have to put out any other corporate fires this week. Aliyu called, saying that Zainab told him we were back together, and he hopes I won’t mess up again. He can be so sanctimonious sometimes. At Tucano’s tonight, I asked Zainab to pick a country in the world she wants to go to this weekend and she chose Malaysia. 


I accompanied the President’s business delegation to Canada where meetings and press conferences took up my day. I bought two Burberry winter coats and three Lanvin boots during a lunch break and messaged Zainab throughout, sending her pictures of the Chocolate-coloured mink coat and cashmere sweaters I bought her. At a state dinner that evening, I avoided admiring the women in their elegant dinner dresses, even when a busty red-head slipped me her number and a pretty blonde invited me to her hotel room. In my suite that night, Zainab and I face-timed on our iPads and I smeared my screen with kisses.


After a diplomatic meeting in the morning, I met with some Canadian-Nigerian contacts who were keen on my import and export ideas. I hope to expand ZeeCG’s reach to include this country. On our way back to Abuja, I talked with a fellow billionaire who had six wives and bought gifts for all of them and their children, a package the size of a small shipping container. But there’s only one woman for me, and she had dinner waiting for me when I got home.


The fire and hotel issues have been resolved, and although people were waiting to see me at my office, by 10am I left to pick Zainab up at home for our long flight to Malaysia. She had taken the day off work. Her father was out of town and her mother still refuses to talk to me, her sister Halima, one of my many regrets, gave me a dirty look, kissed her teeth and sauntered away when she saw me. But tonight, as we sipped cocktails whilst waiting for our meal at Shangri-La Hotel’s classy restaurant in Kuala Lumpur, I was happy.


“I almost died when Halima told me about you two.” Zainab and I were strolling through Kuala Lumpur’s Lake Gardens Park hand in hand after a beautiful breakfast overlooking the city. “All the other women, I could deal with, but my own sister? It broke my heart.” I stopped, turned to the sides were the turf grew, grabbed some of the brown dirt, rubbed it over my head then walked back and knelt before her, as the other guests walked by, scandalised. “If I could cut my heart out and give it to you, to show you how sorry I am, for everything, I would.” Zainab, smiling a little, rolled her eyes, pushed my head away in mock anger and walked on.


Yesterday we went shopping, visited temples, museums and art galleries and had dinner at a busy picturesque grill in the open night air, where Zainab’s red Stella McCartney dress drew stares and dancers and singers serenaded us. But today we relaxed, with a late breakfast in bed, massages and a hot tub. I’ve found new bliss with this woman. And though I credit 10 minutes with Dr Gould for opening my eyes to what was real, I think my fear that Aliyu would love Zainab better than me made me determined to try harder. She chose me over him and I want them both to know she made the right choice.

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