Tuesday 4 February 2014

The ABCs of a Healthy Lifestyle

Learning the basic steps to the good life one letter at a time, by Amara Nicole Okolo

From the hieroglyphics to the haikus of Japan, man has endeavored to teach his generation letters and words. The Greek went further and initiated the alphabet, and today those twenty-six letters are the first steps every human has to climb in the path to getting an education.

The alphabet is also a good place to start when it comes to learning the basics of attaining a balanced lifestyle. So get ready for a back-to-basics rundown as we spell out the A-Z to a healthy life!

A is for Aerobics

We all know exercise is good for our bodies and is the answer to getting a sexy and infirmity-free body. But how many people can actually afford the join a gym? And can you afford the time too? This is where aerobics comes into play—with the small sacrifice of ditching your car to walk at least a mile and half a week, jogging or swimming, you are one step ahead to shedding those pounds and building up strong muscles quicker than you thought. And the best part? It’s absolutely free! (Cue applause).

B is for Breakfast

Your mother told you it was the most important meal of the day—and she wasn’t lying. Research shows that people who eat breakfast every morning are more active, coordinated and less likely to binge at lunchtime than people who don’t. But having a light, healthy breakfast is key. Be organic—an omelet or scrambled eggs, whole-wheat bread, low-fat milk and a small bowl of fruit is not just low on calories but is energy-boosting as it contains all the essential nutrients your body needs to kick-start your day.

C is for Carbs

Everyone says carbs are the enemy, but did you know that this class of food is the reason why you can walk around with ease or break into a run if you feel threatened? Carbohydrates provide the adrenaline that propels the body hence why athletes are encouraged to go on high-carb and protein diets. But since you’re not training for the Olympics, a low-carb diet is advised, as a high-carb diet without exercise can lead to weight-gain and ailments like diabetes.

D is for Determination

We all wish to look fit and toned with our clothes off, but no need to give up hope, you too can get that beach-ready body with just a little determination. Set out goals to do some cardio every morning, to have early dinners and cut back on junk food, or start up a fitness club with your friends. People are motivated when they are encouraged, so read stories or watch videos of people who succeeded with their weight-loss plans. It may be rocky at the start, but in time you will begin to see the results.

E is for Evaluation

Be assertive. Set out a plan of what you hope to achieve: are you going on that diet and workout plan to fit into a new shirt or because you want to be fit and healthy? Did you recently have a baby and just want to get back into shape or you simply want those tight abs and six packs to take selfies for Instagram? Whatever your reasons, they should be personal and matter to you as that will be your motivation.

F is for Fruit

After water comes fruit, and please do not argue with that. Most fruits are naturally low on sodium, fat and calories, they are a source of essential nutrients such as potassium, dietary fiber and folic acid, and eating fruits as part of an overall healthy diet can even protect against certain types of cancer, heart disease and stroke. Choosing a bunch of bananas instead of that banana-flavored ice-cream can go a long way to boosting your health and preventing love handles from appearing.

G is for Green Tea

Thankfully, we now know one of the reasons why 90% of Asians are lean-muscled, devoid of many illnesses and tend to live longer than most of us—Green tea. Numerous research have proven the countless values of green tea, and they range from medicinal (a protection against heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and food poisoning) to physiological (weight-loss and metabolism). So what are you waiting for? Brew a pot of this nature’s gift and pour a cup of its goodness and say cheers to health!

H is for Herbs

Long time ago, our ancestors, without the knowledge of orthodox medicine, depended solely on herbs such as ginger, garlic and thyme as both a medicinal and culinary component. Ginkgo and ginseng are popular Chinese herbs; the former is believed to inhibit blood clotting and improve circulation, while the latter is said to fight mental and bodily tensions and the effects of fatigue. Herbs should be regarded as a complementary addition to healthy living and not a replacement for professional medical care.

I is for Immunity

There are many reasons why a healthy lifestyle is encouraged, and your immune system should be the first. When you diligently follow a balanced diet with a workout plan you inadvertently boost your immunity levels, and high immunity level aids your resistance to the bacteria and viruses that attack our bodies to plague us with diseases and infections.

J is for Juicing

Juicing can be a good idea, especially if you are fasting or simply want to cleanse your system. But juicing should only be regarded as a part of a weight loss program, because if you restrict yourself to only juices you will not be getting the necessary amounts of fiber that you would get from whole foods to make you full. It’s better to add them to your diet meal plans of carbs, proteins and vegetables for better results.

K is for Keratin

This is the stuff that makes your nails strong and gives your hair that luster-looking sheen and is produced by amino acids, so if you want establish shiny healthy hair, beautiful skin and fingernails without discolor, this component has to be parallel to your diet/beauty plan. It can be found in nail polishes and certain hair products, but if you’re the au naturel type and dislike chemicals, you can get it by eating dairy products, lean meats and animal offals, e.g animal liver and kidney.

L is for Lean Meat

The average Nigerian loves to eat meat. But the problem is most of us are eating the wrong types of meat. We tend to buy the ones loaded with fat, and the bad news is they are bad fats which get stuck along the walls of the heart as cholesterol and cause heart diseases. Want to still eat meat and not give your cardiologist worries when you go in for check-ups? Then go lean. Buy meats that are dark-red and lined with muscle; these are lean meats and are good for your heart.

M is for Moderation

Discipline is important in any journey to a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes you just have to say no—to that extra bucket of KFC chicken or that third wrap of pounded yam. It seems impossible, but remember that food is a necessity, not your boss. You may feel like a conqueror with large servings on your plate, but you are not doing any good to your mid-section or your health. Instead of having a mountain of rice and stew with chicken, make it colorful with a medium serving of salad or vegetables on the side.

N is for Nuts

Nuts are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, proteins and fiber, and this mix of essentials can make you feel full and suppress your appetite. They are also a source of amino acids and in moderation are healthy additions to any diet. Almonds, cashews, walnuts and peanuts are all great alternatives for cravings or before-dinner snacks. But note that most nuts are also high in fats and calories, so less is more. Also, remember that nuts laced with sugary or salty toppings are unfavorable to a healthy diet.

O is for Outdoors

Love nature. Start up activities that would take you out more; walks, shopping, visiting family and friends, a stroll at the park, sports, sight-seeing, anything! You could visit a hospital or an orphanage home, because doing something positive for others can be a major boost to your well-being. Research has proven that helping others activates your brain’s subgenal area (the part of the brain that produces feel-good chemicals like oxytocin), and this promotes social bonding. Do some good to feel good.

P is for Pilates

Stretch, stretch, sttttretch! You don’t have to be a ballet dancer to touch your toes—indulge in meditative activities that would help you relieve stress, straighten your spine and calm your nerves. Pilates are the next best thing to a routine exercise; they define muscles and help soothe jagged nerves, not to mention leaving you flexible and feeling light.  If you can, join a Yoga class or have massages at a spa but if you can’t, why not grab a floor mat, lay on it and ‘bend it like Beckham’?

Q is for Quinoa

Rice is our favourite food staple, but diabetes is on the rise and one of its major perpetrators is from glucose found in starchy foods like rice. With that said I introduce Quinoa, an alternative for rice lovers, and it tastes just as great too! Quinoa (pronounced KEEN-O-WA) contains protein, dietary fiber, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and iron. Another good alternative can be couscous. But if you’re not ready to leave the rice fans club, then opt for the healthier brown rice.

R is for Red Wine

Get drunk in love…with red wine. Some studies suggest that red wine confers additional health benefits, and when taken in moderation, is good for your heart. Secondly, certain substances in red wine called antioxidants may prevent heart diseases by increasing levels of “good” cholesterol.  So whenever you want to unwind after a long day’s work, pour out a glass of Merlot or Pinot Noir. However, red wine, just as every other alcoholic beverage should be taken in moderation.

S is for Sex(y)

Science has proven that sex is good for the body, as it can boost the immune system, improve your mental health, lower blood pressure and reduce stress. It also helps to boost your heart rate and burns calories, and for the menfolk may help reduce the risks of prostate cancer. ‘Feeling sexy’ will also improve self-esteem and confidence. So next time you want to “turn up” for your partner, think of the awesomeness it would do for your health!

T is for Trips

Sometimes surprising yourself and/or your loved ones with a trip can be good for your health and well-being. Now I am not suggesting you drain your bank account for a weekend gateway to the Maldives; a trip to Obudu Cattle ranch in Cross Rivers State or Whistling Palms Resort in the Badagry of Lagos is not a bad idea, and can be done just once annually. Little vacations can encourage family bonding, and if you’ll be riding solo, it could also be an escape and a chance to unwind.

U is for Utopia

Be happy. Happiness is a sure-fire way of staying healthy—if you think I am kidding, try laughing hysterically to a joke and see if you won’t break out in sweat. Sweat (if you didn’t know) is actually good for you because it soothes your brain. Find an ideal place or thing that keeps you happy and positively-aligned and visit or do it frequently. You’ll be adding more digits to your life’s numerical, trust me.

V is for Veggies

Vegetables provide nutrients vital for the health and maintenance of your body, and are an important source of potassium, dietary fiber, folic acid, Vitamin A and Vitamin C. They help curb the risks of chronic diseases such as heart attacks and stroke, certain kinds of cancer, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and it helps lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of kidney stones. Also, none have cholesterol. So grab some tomatoes and lettuce and start giving your body the healthy attention it deserves!

W is for Water

“Water no get enemy” sang Fela…and he was right. Water is essential because it is present in every cell, organ and tissue in the human body. To see just how important water is to the body, study a plant that has not been watered for some time. You will notice how wilted it looks, and within days it shrivels up and dies. The amount differs, but it has been advised to drink at least eight liters of water a day. Add this to a healthy diet, and your body will be like a watered flower: beautiful!

X is for Xylitol

You’ve probably come across this word on a packet of toothpaste or an Orbit bubblegum, but what does it do? Xylitol is regarded as a ‘sugar alcohol’ and is beneficial for dental health and upper respiratory health. It can be found in some natural edibles like berries, mushrooms, corn and sugarcanes, and is highly effective for oral hygiene. Xylitol is also a lower-calorie alternative to sugar. So now you know!

Y is for Yogurt

You can never go wrong with yogurt. It is rich in protein, riboflavin, calcium and vitamins B6 and B12 and is also favorable for people who are lactose-intolerant because the lactose in yogurt milk is partially fermented, making it easier for digestion. So make it a habit of having a scoop of low-fat yogurt daily and be one step ahead of living a healthy life. Go crazy, yo!

Z is for Zzz’s

Being a workaholic may be beneficial to your bank account, but not your body. Make it a crucial habit to shut your eyes and mind to the world—even if for a couple of minutes. Lack of sleep can immobilize your immune system, slow down metabolism and make you irritated and less focused. And no, downing a Red Bull isn’t a great idea either. Recent cases have been given of healthy individuals who died due to days-on-end of lack of sleep, even after they had energy drinks.

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