Wednesday 22 January 2014

Eat, Use, Shine: Tasty Beauty Treatments for Skin and Hair

How to use food to beautify your body, by Amara Nicole Okolo

We see them everywhere: local markets, roadside stalls, shopping malls, in our mothers’ gardens, in front of your grandparents’ house back in the village; everywhere we look we see natural foods and fruits.

We eat them because nature tells us to, our dietician tells us to, or that brochure from a weight-loss expert tells us to. Sure, foods and fruits make us healthy, strong, robust and efficient, but did you know they could make us beautiful too? And no, I’m not talking about ‘inner beauty’ (not like they don’t do that for us too), I’m talking cosmetic, runway-ready, beautiful.

Before you ask how, take a trip down memory lane. Okay­­, down to your History high school class, for starters. Back in time, there were some noteworthy evidence of individuals who used the God-given products of the soil (and of the animals) to make themselves a sterling beauty amongst all.

Let’s start with Poppaea, wife of the legendary King Nero and one-time queen of Rome. She was the first woman known to have started the milk bath tradition, which other notable historical figures like Diane de Poitiers, mistress of King Henry of France were said to have emulated within time. Legend has it that the famous Cleopatra, one-time queen of Egypt indulged in milk and honey baths.

Egyptians used Aloe Vera as both a moisturizer and a healing medium to cure wounds, botanical oils to reduce wrinkles and cellulite and honey to hydrate the skin. From times past, nature has helped beautify womenfolk, and the good thing is, you can still get these beauty essentials today without breaking your bank account.

So come on into Mother Nature’s kitchen and let her dish out some beauty recipes!





You’ve always bought that tin of Quaker Oats for breakfast and that yogurt to make your tummy purr with contentment, but did you also know oats could be used as a natural facial scrub to take away those messy oily clogs on your face? Oats contain certain proteins called saponins and these proteins help dissolve and remove oil, dirt and makeup from your pores. Yogurt on the other hand contains lactic acid, a good alternative to unclog pores. To get this tasty recipe, cook oatmeal in just the same way you prepare it to eat, and then add plain yogurt, honey, cinnamon and vanilla extract. Mix the ingredients together in a bowl until it becomes a sticky paste, gently apply mixture over face and leave for 20-30 minutes (this allows paste to dry over face), then rinse with warm water and pat skin dry.


This delicious facial recipe feeds your face with the nutrients it needs to fight those zits, acne and not-needed oily sheen over your nose. When oatmeal is cooked it becomes ‘colloidal oatmeal,’ and science has proven that colloidal oatmeal contains specific compounds that help curb the formation of tumour necrosis factor alpha, a.k.a the cause of acne. They also help curb the production of inflammatory components that cause redness and pimples. Honey on the other hand is a great antiseptic. Applying honey directly to acne while it is active will help keep the pore open, reduce infection from reoccurring and even stop scar reformations that induce blackheads.


Don’t buy that tomato sauce for your Sunday stews alone. You can get restorative, hydrated skin by using the thick, red puree on those sprouting wrinkles. Put a dollop of tomato puree in a small glass bowl and add a tablespoon of lemon juice, then mix and apply to your face. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes to settle in then rinse off thoroughly with lukewarm water. Afterwards, peel off the skin of a banana and dice into small bowl, add a splash of natural honey then mash until it becomes a sticky paste. Apply the paste to skin, particularly on spots where wrinkles and age lines are prominent. Leave in for at least 20 minutes then wash off with warm water.


It may seem like a hilarious homemade recipe, but be rest assured that this facial can improve the dying texture of your skin and renew it to its once youthful lustre. Science has proven the existence of a beneficial enzyme called Lycopene, which is present in tomatoes. This component is a powerful antioxidant and has a reputation of ‘literally turning back the hands of time’ by being a carotenoid quencher of singlet oxygen. Singlet oxygen is produced from excessive exposure to ultraviolet light (UV rays) from the sun and one of the primary causes of aging. Lemon juice, as we know, helps brighten the skin while the honey and banana combo smoothie helps with hydration.

Additional tip: You can substitute tomato with watermelon, papaya or carrots. All have Lycopene present in them.


We all know apple juice tastes awesome, but we can agree that apple cider vinegar tastes better. Apple cider vinegar may not taste that great when taken on its own, but they make salads and chutneys taste heavenly. It may not have a long-lasting shelf-life due to its potential for extra fermentation, so save the risk of throwing it into the bin by using it on...(drum roll)…your hair! Give your hair some heavenly makeover by producing this homemade ‘hairspray’ to repair that greasy scalp. Pour apple cider vinegar into a half-bowl of water or spray bottle, shake gently then apply to freshly-washed hair. You can do this just right after getting out of the shower or washing your hair. Leave in the solution for 10-30 minutes then wash off thoroughly with lukewarm water.


Apple cider vinegar is a clarifying agent that unclogs hair follicles which hinder hair growth. Use especially when hair roots and scalp is gunky with grease and oil residue and feel its soothing effects.

Let’s call a spade a spade: Every ten out of ten women out there who have dry skin hate it. Some of us are fortunate to only experience the crocodile texture during the harmattan seasons and winter if you are in the Western time zone, while the other half were unfortunately born with it. The majority of the women in this group have tried all the moisturizers known to mankind, and yet—el grande nada…we’re still stuck with our alligator skin. In fact in some cases, it gets worse. Hakuna matata, my dearest womenfolk, before your pull out your tissues to bemoan this unwanted ‘blessing’, there exists some sweet homemade remedy to heal that rocky skin texture. Get a ½ cup of sugar granules (granulated sugar, if you are lost), a tablespoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of olive oil. Combine all together and whisk to heart’s content, then slip into a microwave for 30 seconds. Dampen your body with water then gently massage the warm scrub onto wet skin. Leave in until you begin to feel weirdly sticky, and then rinse off with warm water (you can use your hands or a small towel).


Sugar is exfoliating, oil is hydrating and lemon juice is brightening. Need I say more?


Before the sun gets to our skin, it first fries our hair, giving it a dry, lacklustre texture over time that can cause more damage than we bargained for. Rejuvenate those strands and keep away split ends by conditioning your hair—nature-style. Peel a ripe banana and ripe avocado pear in a bowl, mash both fruits together then like apply to your already-shampooed hair like you would apply hair mousse. Leave in for 20 minutes, and then thoroughly wash off with warm water.


As mentioned earlier, banana is a natural hydrator, while avocado pear has high contents of natural oils beneficial to helping to restore damaged hair roots. Combine both together and you’ve got a natural deep conditioning hair treatment.

We can’t tell you enough about the benefits of egg whites. They contain about forty different proteins, are nutritious for anyone on a diet, and compared to the yolk they have zero cholesterol. Now say hello to the next wonder: it sends saggy skin packing. Break an egg or two (straight out of the refrigerator; the eggs must be refrigerated to distinguish egg white from yolk), then carefully transfer whites in a small bowl. Whisk until it becomes frothy white foam then spread over clean skin. Allow mixture to sit in for 10 minutes then rinse.


Simple logic—the gelatinous quality of egg whites gives it the ability to have a tightening effect on the skin. A natural skin lifter, it tightens saggy skin and potential eye bags, giving a more relaxed, rejuvenated look. Can’t afford Botox or generally not interested in going under the beauty knife? Then this foamy remedy should be your new BFF!

N.B: This procedure is tricky, but when you follow the instructions you’ll find it easy as apple pie.


Your lips need some natural TLC too, especially on those airy, harmattan days when all the dust from the Sahara would be bathing you with its dryness. And believe me; nothing can be so gratifying as to have soft, sweet-tasting lips all day long! Achieve this oh-so sugary dream by inventing what I call the ‘Indulgence Lip-gloss’ with one tablespoon of sugar granules, one tablespoon of honey and four drops of olive oil. Mix all in a small bowl then rub onto lips for at least 30 seconds. Rinse off with lukewarm water.


Unattended chapped lips create sores and blisters, and this can be susceptible to infection. Honey is a natural antiseptic that can wade off any bacterial effect, and the aromatherapy of olive oil serves as a soothing, healing agent. Along with the exfoliating effect of sugar, this sweet treat will soften lips and heal up any cracks on your smackers.

A chapstick shouldn’t be your only alternative.


Picture yourself in a boardroom meeting. You’re dressed to impress, and so far in your presentation you have held the Board of Directors spellbound with your eloquence. Then you innocently flick your hair to the side—and a shower of dandruff falls onto the table or worse yet, into the Directors’ faces. Trust me, you may be a high candidate for the next decade’s Forbes Business Woman of the Future, but at that moment, you are getting fired.

Nothing can be more embarrassing for a woman than to comb her tresses and see those flaky monsters. Kick them to the curb by developing the habit of abiding to a recipe that is just four ounces of olive oil and ten drops of essential lavender oil. Lightly warm the oil and water in microwave, plait hair into necessary sections, then, using a syrup dropper, drip oil all over parted sections, massage in and slip on a shower cap over hair.


Olive oil is a sure-fire agent that helps curb itchiness from dandruff or dull hair, nurtures and repairs the scalp and finally removes dead cells that cause dandruff. It also protects hair-ends thereby preventing it from developing split ends. Lavender oil regenerates the hair scalp and simulates circulation. With the combination of the two, you also get the aromatherapy benefits, which is calming, soothing and smells fantastic.


This sweet scrub can be done in less than minute. Simply combine ingredients together in a bowl and mix to your heart’s content. Rub on face and body as desired, and then wash off with warm water.


This is an excellent body scrub that can only be appreciated once tried. If doubtful, do a skin-patch test for a week and you won’t be disappointed.

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